Filtering by: Plantcestral Education

Plantcestral Re-Membrance Circle [for SWANA folks]
to Oct 30

Plantcestral Re-Membrance Circle [for SWANA folks]

(**Please note: This class is reserved to persons who have native ancestry from the SWANA [aka Middle East and N. Africa] region- mixed ancestry included. Please note that identity is more than a genetic consideration. This circle is intended for people with traceable generational relationships to the SWANA region. Thank you for respecting this space.

This space is inclusive to trans and queer kin, and welcomes ethnically marginalized communities from the SWANA region to join us in re-membrance. This work explicitly celebrate the pluralism of the SWANA region and strives to reject internalized nationalism and supremacy based on dominant identities, and colonial erasure and violence. The space does not tolerate harm of this nature in our communal spaces.)

This extended ONLINE series is for SWANA* community to engage in embodied learning about our ancestral plants and their uses as medicinal, cultural, and spiritual allies. It is designed for people interested in cultivating deeper, embodied relationships with plants, lineage, and the earth in general.

Registration deadline is April 1st, 2023

This is a 7 month long immersion, from April - October.

Plants are agents of consciousness, story, and memory. Our ancestral plants carry the DNA of our homelands, of our ancestors, and resonate this memory with the truths that live deep inside our own bodies and hearts. We will work with this relationship to access deeply held wisdom, revitalize lost bodies of knowledge, and re-establish relationship to ourselves, our ancestors, and the resilience and medicine available through being in conscious relationship with our plantcestors/homelands. Each participant will receive a package of SWANA native plant medicines to work with through the course of our class together. Experiential relationship with the plantcestors will be emphasized and facilitated through the duration of the class.

In this class we will:

  • Immerse deeply in the Plantcestral Re-Membrance methodology, to deepen at the intersection of ancestral re-connection and herbal medicine

  • Develop fundamental tools to work with plants as medicinal, cultural, and spiritual allies

  • Practice and learn tools to communicate with our medicines, land, and our internal selves

  • Engage in a process of personal healing through building relationship with plantcestors, working with our dreams, our ancestral stories, and each other

  • Learn traditional principles and ethical practice around harvesting, medicine making, and more

  • Build embodied relationships and gain experiential, folk, and medicinal knowledge about 3-4 SWANA plants

  • Deepen relationship with our lineage lands from wherever we are in the world

  • Learn how to better connect to our own embodied wisdom, intuition, and the cues of the natural and spiritual worlds to support our day-to-day lives and healing

  • Contribute to strengthening the knowledge and practice of our SWANA plantcestral traditions, stories, dreams, and ways of knowing

  • Receive a package of SWANA plantcestral medicines to work, heal, and learn with at home

  • Explore and revitalize traditional ways of healing and connecting to place

  • Take a personal journey into the plantcestral realm with the support of a close community, a generous facilitator, and a deeply intentional and caring container

  • Gain access to private community spaces for flourishing support during and after the circle

Circle Structure, Time & Participation Commitment:

  • A combo of live, pre-recorded, experiential, and written educational engagement.

  • The online sessions are conducted via live video conference calling on Zoom (can download for free).

  • Communication and a private member forum will occur through the BAND app. (dowload for free) and a password protected webpage.

  • Participants should be prepared to spend a little time (5-30 mins) each day with the online material and medicine packages sent to you via mail, in between sessions. This is a CRITICAL part of the collective process.

  • There will be small groups arranged based on your timezone, to support your process in between live classes. Communicating/meeting with them on the suggested dates will be required.

  • The foundation of this class is based on the cultivation of your own experiential personal relationship with the plantcestral allies we will be working with. This often opens up deeper healing processes. Participants must be willing and available to this process.

  • You will have exclusive access to discounted 1-on-1 mentorship sessions with Layla, if additional support is needed.

dates and times:

  • This circle entails a combo of live, pre-recorded, experiential, and written educational engagement.

  • Large group live sessions will occur on the following dates (time tbd based on applications submitted):

Mon, April 17th
Sat, May 20th
Fri, July 21th
Fri, Sept 22th
Sat, Oct 28th

  • With additional small cohort live sessions on:

June 10th
Aug 9th
Oct 10th


The registration for this immersive circle equals $125/month plus the cost of the herbal package and shipping to your home. The total amounts to:


+ Includes all teachings and sessions.

+ 1oz bottle of microdosis with flower essence of each plant we will work with in the circle.

+ A bonus bottle with a plant remedy for supporting integration.



+ Includes all teachings and sessions.

+ 1oz bottle of microdosis and/or flower essence of each plant we will work with in the circle.

+ A bonus bottle with a plant remedy for supporting integration.

+ At least one additional preparation of each plant we will work with. For example, an infused honey, tincture, herbal oil, oxymel, hydrosol, dry tea, dyed fabric, or other such remedies, depending on the plant.


+ 4 monthly payments of $250 - for basic package

+ 4 monthly payments of $278 - for deluxe package

+ 6 monthly payments of $167 - for basic package

+ 6 monthly payments of $186 - for deluxe package


Limited numbers of partial scholarship and work-trade are available. Details for application are included in the application form.

If you would like to contribute to our scholarship funds, you may do so here. THANK YOU in advance!


The application form is a confirmation of your intention to participate in the class and MUST be submitted by April 1, 2023. Once you are accepted into the course, a follow up form will be established to confirm final dates, due with initial payment links by the first week of April, to ensure your place. This is also a COMMITMENT and agreement to completing all following payments and participation to the best of your ability in our circle. If for some reason, you discontinue participation in our circle, the completion of your payments will still be expected.

Space is limited and no refunds will be given (questions concerning alternative financial arrangements will be addressed in the application).

Help us find each other: PLEASE SHARE with SWANA friends and community who would enjoy or benefit from such a circle.

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Introduction to Plantcestors of the Levant
5:00 PM17:00

Introduction to Plantcestors of the Levant

*** Missed this class? Fear not! A recording of it can be purchased on my souk site here. ***

This knowledge share is hosted by Herban Cura and can be registered directly through them.

This share will offer an introduction to herbal medicine from South West Asia and North Africa, with a focus on the Levant region (modern day Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, parts of Egypt) and the Eastern Mediterranean (including Anatolia and North Africa). From Sumeria to Ancient Egypt to the lineages of Sufi and Islamic medicine and Unani Tibb, the herbal practices of this region have had a tremendous influence on western medicine and herbalism that is often unnamed. This share will offer insight about some of the region's common herbs and herbal preparations, alongside intimate and soulful stories rooted in the personal relationships between the peoples and plants of this special place on earth.

Knowledge Share Includes

  • Brief context of SWANA

  • What are "plantcestors" and what is "plantcestral re-membrance"

  • Common herbal preparations in the SWANA region

  • Ethnobotanical information about several common SWANA herbs, many also found commonly across the Americas

  • We will do a plant meditation together and practice how to "listen" to plants and our bodies together

Resource Package

Optional resource packages are available for purchase directly from Layla.

"This bundle will include a small sampling of the main plants we will be discussing in our circle. This will offer an opportunity to taste, smell, and feel the plants while we share about them, which in my experience offers a deeper, more intimate, embodied experience of knowledge building and remembrance."

Layla is offering these bundles through her website. Please click here to purchase and for more details.

**If you are interested, please place your resource package order through the link above before Friday, January 28th**

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Plantcestral re-Membrance for SWANA Healing | Spring + Summer 2020
to Aug 30

Plantcestral re-Membrance for SWANA Healing | Spring + Summer 2020

  • Google Calendar ICS

(**Please note: This class is reserved to persons who have native ancestry from the SWANA [aka Middle East and N. Africa] region- mixed ancestry included. Thank you for respecting this space.)

This extended ONLINE series is for SWANA* community to engage in embodied learning about our ancestral plants and their uses as medicinal, cultural, and spiritual allies. Agents of consciousness, story, and memory. Our ancestral plants carry the DNA of our homelands, of our ancestors, and resonate this memory with the truths that live deep inside our own bodies and hearts. We will work with this relationship to access deeply held wisdom, revitalize lost bodies of knowledge, and re-establish relationship to ourselves, our ancestors, and the resilience and medicine available through being in conscious relationship with our plantcestors/homelands. Each participant will receive a package of SWANA native plant medicines to work with through the course of our class together. Experiential relationship with the plantcestors will be emphasized and facilitated through the duration of the class.

In this class we will:
* Develop fundamental tools to work with plants as medicinal, cultural, and spiritual allies
* Practice and learn tools to communicate with our medicines and our internal selves
* Engage in a process of personal healing through building relationship with plantcestors, working with our dreams, our ancestral stories, and witnessing each other
* Learn traditional principles and ethical practice around harvesting, medicine making, and more
* Gain & generate experiential, folk, and medicinal knowledge about several plants
* Deepen relationship with our ancestors and ourselves
* Learn how to better connect to our own internal wisdom, intuition, and the cues of the natural & spiritual worlds to support our day-to-day lives and healing
* Contribute to strengthening the knowledge and practice of our SWANA plantcestral traditions, cosmologies, dreams, and ways of knowing
* Receive a package of SWANA plantcestral medicines to work, heal, and learn with at home
* Explore and revitalize traditional ways of healing ourselves and our communities
* Take a personal journey into the plantcestral realm with the support of a safe community

- This online class is a small group and is conducted via live video conference calling for more than half of our sessions, which requires LIVE ATTENDANCE and participation (must have access to internet/camera or audio to participate via Zoom- can download for free). Participants should be prepared to spend a little time (5-30 mins) each day with the medicines/material in between classes in order to contribute to our sessions- this is a CRITICAL part of the collective re-membering. 1x per month, we will have pre-recorded sessions which participants will be asked to engage via audio or text comments on our class website or class phone thread via WhatsApp (please download the app in preparation). There will be small groups arranged to support your process in between live classes. Communicating/meeting with them at least 1x per month will be required.

A package of medicines will be sent to you via mail for you to work with through the course of our class.

- The foundation of this class is based on the cultivation of your own experiential personal relationship with the plantcestral allies we will be working with. This often opens up deeper healing processes. Participants must be willing and available to this process. The group and facilitator are here to support thru each step of the way, but having support networks and routines in place to hold yourself through the deepest parts of the process are advised. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to ask. 

Class will meet for 13 sessions from April - August. Exact time and dates of the class will be determined based on the group's schedule and announced on March 6th. Answer registration form questions to include your own needs, timezone, and preferences so that we can determine this ASAP please.

FEE EXCHANGE: $555 USD (includes all teachings plus medicine package mailed to your home to work with through the course)

Fill out this application to register: APPLICATION SPRING 2020
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: The application form is a confirmation of your intention to participate in the class and MUST be submitted by March 2, 2020. Once you are accepted into the course, a follow up form will be established to confirm final dates, due with deposit of $155 USD by March 6th to ensure your place. This is also a COMMITMENT and agreement to completing all following payments and participation to the best of your ability in our circle. If for some reason, you discontinue participation in our circle, the completion of your payments will still be expected. Space is limited and no refunds will be given (questions concerning alternative financial arrangements will be addressed in the application).
Send registration deposit and following payments to venmo @plantcestral or (friends and family option, please).

Help us find each other: PLEASE SHARE with SWANA friends and community who would enjoy or benefit from such a circle.

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SWANA Ethnobotany Knowledge Share
6:00 PM18:00

SWANA Ethnobotany Knowledge Share

swana ethnobotany oakland (2).png

Oakland, CA | January 10, 6-9pm | $40

This circle will be an experiential introduction into SWANA plantcestors, welcome to all BIPOC folks who would like to learn. Thanks to the lovely Francine Madrid, who offers beautiful ancestral and womb massage, midwifery, and herbal services in the Bay Area, for hosting and inspiring this sharing. It will take place at her private residence. Address will be shared only to registered participants. Space is limited, so be sure to register ASAP if you would like to join us and share with Bay Area friends who you think might like to participate!

Email and send $40 to to register. Deadline is January 3rd.

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Plantcestral re-Membrance: Honoring our Ancestors and the Lands we Live on
to Nov 29

Plantcestral re-Membrance: Honoring our Ancestors and the Lands we Live on

All over the world, fall is regarded as the season of the ancestors. Veils are thin, and the energy of the earth is deepening back into the roots and seeds where life originates from. It is my FAVORITE season, and taking cues from the natural world, it is an excellent time to deepen and nourish our OWN roots and origins as well. 

In this series, we will partner intentionally with native and ancestral plants to cultivate resilience, deepen relationship, and nourish healing for ourselves, our lineages, and the Tongva lands that nourish us daily. We will engage in an introductory practice of "Plantcestral re-Membrance", an honoring way of building relationships with our plant allies to support us as agents of memory, healing, and consciousness connecting us to the wisdom and resilience of our ancestors still alive inside of us. 

In this series, we will:
* Honor and acknowledge our ancestors and the ones whose land we are living on (we will offer an altar on our first day of class, the same week as Dia de los Muertos)
* Tend and deepen relationship with both Tongva & ancestral plants respective to our own lineage
* Learn how to be in respectful relationship with plants as medicinal and spiritual allies
* Learn how to work with plants as allies for ancestral healing and memory
* Deepen our intuition and honor the knowledge within our own bodies & relationships
* Learn and share with each other about a few medicinal plants
* Start to identify plantcestral allies to support our own resilience
* Engage these healing practices in a community of support



This is a 3 class series which will take place in Los Angeles, CA on Wed Nov 1, 15, and 29 from 6-9pm. Participants commit to coming to every class and participating in the material in between. 

$159 for full series, all materials included.
Must send an email to plus deposit of $59 by OCTOBER 27th to secure your spot. Send payment via friend/family option to
Remaining $100 due before the start of first class. 

(If you need an alternative payment plan or other arrangement, talk to me privately.)

Only 15 spaces available. 

This class is open to respectful people of ALL ETHNICITIES. 

ALL River Rose classes are queer and trans inclusive and uplift the experiences of indigenous, femme, and POC communities and ways of knowing and being. 

Accessibility info and other space related details will be announced later. They are still in the works.

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Plantcestors for Immune Support, LEBANON
12:00 PM12:00

Plantcestors for Immune Support, LEBANON

The struggle is real. Trash problems, water contamination, and pollution are causing serious illness left and right- to both ourselves and our environment and homes. Increased rates of cancer, bacterial infections, auto-immune illnesses, heavy metal toxicity, allergies, and weakened immunity in general. We need to know how to protect, strengthen, and heal ourselves and our families on a day-to-day basis. Good thing is, we are literally SURROUNDED with natural anti-bacterial, immune strengthening, and even cancer preventative, healing plants and medicines.  We will work in collaboration with these abundant plant medicines to explore healing remedies that can benefit both us and our local environment. 


This workshop is dedicated to equipping the people residing in Lebanon with an introduction to accessible, practical information and locally available herbal and nutritional remedies for strengthening and protecting our immunity in the face of increasing toxicity in our environments. We will start building relationships with a few local plantcestors (aka. herbal medicines) that can help us with this, and we will collectively prepare a remedy to help protect ourselves and our families and loved ones through the fall and winter and year round. We will learn some of the foundational principles of working with plants as medicine and how to approach this partnership in a respectful and sustainable way. We will learn and practice a technique for getting to know the plants that surround us every day and how they can be allies to our health and well being of body and spirit alike. As we consider the toxicity being caused to our bodies, we will conduct this workshop with utmost respect and reciprocity to our local environment which is also under attack, learning to heal this relationship through our work with the plants as medicinal allies. 

DATE/TIME: Sunday, September 3, 2017, 12-3 PM

LOCATION: Batroun Area (you will be given the specific location upon registration)

REGISTRATION: If you would like to participate in this workshop, please email to register. 

FEE: $33 USD/ 50,000 LL (nobody turned away for lack of funds, just let me know when you register if you need a scholarship or other arrangement)

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