This workshop is dedicated to experiencing vibrational remedies & stories/teachings of select plantcestors, ancient sites, and flower essences collected during my Homeward Healing journey through the SWANA* region (*South West Asia & N. Africa, colonially referred to as the Middle East and North Africa). It will be a medicine honoring of SWANA ancestral legacies, and an offering to my communities to share in the medicinal vibrations and wisdom of some of the sacred places & plants that I was acquainted with. *It is open to all persons of all ancestral backgrounds.*
Los Angeles - Thur, Jan 5, 6:30-9:30pm
Oakland - Tues, Jan 31, 6:30-9:30pm
Exact locations will be announced upon registration.
Email ASAP to sign up.
Space is limited to 20 people.
EXCHANGE: $44, Elders (52+) get 50% off
15% of all profits will go to Standing Rock.