Budding Reflection Oral Histories // Family Stories, Cultural Traditions + RitualsSWANA Ancestral HUB | re-membering ourselves homeJune 21, 2020dabke, eastern christianity, Egypt, henna, jewish, Lebanon, mixed race, reclaiming traditions, Syrian, tatreez, wedding ritualsComment
Paradise: a collection of short stories Art + Creative Expression, Oral Histories // Family StoriesSWANA Ancestral HUB | re-membering ourselves homeNovember 26, 2019Afro-Iran, ancestors, ancestral re-memberance, Art, Hormuz Island, Iran, oral history, reclaiming traditions, story telling
It Was Fire: a play about Zaar Ancestral Song + Dance, Art + Creative Expression, Creation Stories + Mythologies + CosmologiesSWANA Ancestral HUB | re-membering ourselves homeOctober 28, 2019Afro-Arab, Afro-Iran, ceremonial healing, Hormuz Island, Iran, Jinn, mental health, play, reclaiming traditions, spiritual medicine, zar
The Dark Mirror: Reflections on Ancestral Identity through Dreams, Stones, and Mystical Practice Dreams + Divination Practices, Ancestral Re-MembranceSWANA Ancestral HUB | re-membering ourselves homeAugust 1, 2019#hub4HUB, ancestors, ancestral healing, ancestral journeys, ancestral medicines, ancestral re-memberance, Armenia, dreams, grandmothers, Hayastan, obsidian, reclaiming traditions
The Story of Rahma, a traditional qabla ("midwife") Birthing Traditions + Matriarchal MedicinesSWANA Ancestral HUB | re-membering ourselves homeApril 17, 2018ChefChaouen, grandmother medicine, Issaouia, midwives, morocco, Mothers of Morocco, oral history, post-partum, qabla, reclaiming traditions, story telling, the nafsa project, traditional healingComment
CULTURAL APPROPRIATION... Do NOT steal my culture please! Cultural Traditions + RitualsSWANA Ancestral HUB | re-membering ourselves homeOctober 13, 2017birthing traditions, cultural appropriation, decolonization, post-partum, reclaiming traditions, the nafsa project, traditional healingComment
The Life of Flowers: An Interview with Artivist Paradise Khanmalek Art + Creative Expression, Traditional Plant + La...SWANA Ancestral HUB | re-membering ourselves homeJune 21, 2016children's book, cultural reclamation, folk traditions, gardening, herbal medicine, hyacinth, interview, Iran, land tending, mint, plantcestral medicine, plantcestral re-memberance, plantcestral reflection, reclaiming traditions, roses, sunflowerComment