A Letter to my Egyptian People Across Space and Time Ancestral Song + Dance, Reclaiming our Histories // Decolonization + Liberation, Ancestral Re-MembranceSWANA Ancestral HUB | re-membering ourselves homeJanuary 12, 2021Africa, Egypt, Music, NubaComment
Budding Reflection Oral Histories // Family Stories, Cultural Traditions + RitualsSWANA Ancestral HUB | re-membering ourselves homeJune 21, 2020dabke, eastern christianity, Egypt, henna, jewish, Lebanon, mixed race, reclaiming traditions, Syrian, tatreez, wedding ritualsComment
Plantcestors & Poetry: homeward healing between the worlds Homeward Healing 2016Layla K. FeghaliAugust 5, 2016ancestral journeys, ancestral re-memberance, Egypt, Egyptian Blue Lotus, internal wisdom, Jordan, Kemet, Lebanese Cedar, Lebanon, Palestine, plantcestors, plantcestral re-memberance, plantcestral reflection, poetry, seedsComment